Be Our Superhero!

Help Bring Steam-Powered Fun to Kids Next Summer.

Before I dive into some exciting news, I’ve got something fun for you – a 60-second video spotlighting the AWESOME educational programs we rocked this year! 


Now, onto the really important news. I’m on a mission to make our educational programs even more incredible in 2024, and I need YOUR help!

Every year I take our programs on the road to more than 20 libraries and organizations across Delaware and into Pennsylvania and Maryland. It’s often the first time people learn about the Marshall Steam Museum and our extraordinary collections. 

Imagine this: More kids getting the chance to learn about early travel & technology, trains & engineering, and so much more. I want to introduce Auburn Heights to more libraries, day cares, schools and community centers. 

But here’s the catch—I need help to make it all happen. Right now, there’s only one person (hint: it’s me!) who does ALL the work involved in delivering programs. While some days I feel like a superhero, even superheroes need a sidekick!

My goal: raise $7,000 for the Joseph Boxler Education Fund to engage a super-powered intern who will help me reach more youngsters throughout the region. The Joe Boxler Intern will be the SPARK that ignites kids’ curiosity and inspires a lifelong love of learning. 

This is where you come in! By making a donation, you’ll be a SUPERHERO too, bringing steam-powered fun to new generations.

Donations to the Joseph Boxler Education Fund will cover the intern stipend and the supplies and equipment needed to deliver these outreach programs. Plus, you’ll be helping a rising star, the intern, as they learn and grow with us.

Time is short to raise these funds! We need to start planning and budgeting NOW since internships for 2024 begin posting in November and December, and we want to attract the best and most enthusiastic candidates. The clock is ticking!

How can you join our superhero team? Make a donation and be part of the adventure. You can take pride in knowing that YOU made it possible for even more kids to discover the magic of Auburn Heights. Plus, you’ll be supporting the FIRST Joe Boxler Intern as they craft new programs, provide incredible learning experiences, and gain valuable skills on their professional journey.

And now for some breaking news! If you give now, your impact will be DOUBLED thanks to a generous matching donor. That’s right, every dollar you contribute will be matched, up to $3,500. Whether you give a little or a lot, your support will go that much further in helping me reach this exciting goal.

Thank you for inspiring young minds and spreading the joy of learning.




That’s me in the picture, giving my favorite program, “A Cross-Country Road Trip,” which brings to life the story of the first woman to drive across the United States in 1909.


With choo-choo cheers and steam-powered high-fives,

Alli Schell
Director of Public Programs

P.S. Please share this awesome opportunity & video with friends and family. Together, we can make a difference!

P.P.S Yes, we will be hosting the Auburn Heights Invitational again on Sunday, September 24 and I hope you’ll join me for another grand day, complete with Silent Auction & Raffle benefitting the Joseph Boxler Education Fund.