Outreach Programs

Bring history and hands-on learning to you!

Book an engaging outreach program with the Marshall Steam Museum and let history come to life in your classroom, library, or community space! Our programs blend storytelling, hands-on activities, and games to create fun, educational experiences for Pre-K to 5th graders. Explore themes like transportation, engineering, and history, with interactive lessons tailored to ignite curiosity and creativity in young learners. We bring the museum (and all the supplies!) to you.

Tiny Tools Program
And the Train Goes...Program
Storytime Program

pricing and logistics

Program duration: 60 minutes
Maximum number of participants: 30 participants per session at your school/organization/library
Price: $175 for one program at locations 25 miles or less one-way from the museum. $200 for one program 26 to 50 miles one-way from the museum. For destinations more than 50 miles away from the museum, an additional cost will be incurred.

We bring all the supplies and craft materials!

Our story time programs can include an engaging story, movement activity, and an accompanying craft. 
Our hands-on programs for older participants can include a short lesson, an engaging activity (or a game), an involved craft, and more!


current outreach programs

Story Time: And the Train Goes....(Pre-K to 2nd Grade)

Chugga-chugga choo-choo! Learn all about trains and the people who make them run. We’ll practice train sounds through a fun movement activity, explore different jobs on the train and play themed games that teach about working on the railroad!

Featured story time book: Chugga-chugga choo-choo or Steam Train, Dream Train

Delaware Early Learning Foundations: (Engagement & Persistence) AL35, AL37, (Receptive Communication) LL31, LL32, LL35, LL36, (Expressive Communication) LL37, LL38, LL41, LL43, (Emergent Reading) LL50, LL55, (Emergent Reading) LL60, (Sensory Awareness) SC31, (Scientific Knowledge: Non-Living Things) SC43, SC44, (Past, Present, and Future History) MM37, MM39, (Movement & Dance) CE38, (Visual Arts) CE40, CE42, CE43, (Fine Motor) PD31, PD32, (Gross Motor) PD34, PD35, PD36, (Health Awareness and Practice) PD38

Can animals go on a road trip? We’ll figure out what we should pack and where we should go for bringing animals on the road by playing a fun game! Additionally, discover the journey of the first dog to travel across the United States.

Tap, tap, tap! Discover the sounds and functions of basic tools by interacting with the fun book, Tap, Tap, Bang, Bang. Then color in your own toolbox, play a matching game and we end with a colorful musical hammer activity.

Get up close with real railroad tools and play a fun tool matching game to better understand how they were used. Then, in a special town-building challenge, use recycled materials to design a city and then work together to plan and incorporate a railway—understanding how trains helped shape communities and connect people. 

What travel was like for the first woman to drive an automobile across the U.S. in 1909? Unearth Alice Ramsey’s story by going on a pretend road trip!  Unpack her travel suitcase, select a car for the journey and see if you can make the trip with a fun virtual game.

DE Standards: G1.K-3a, H1.K-3a, HI.4-5a, H2.K-3a, H2.4-5a, H3.K-3a, H4.K-3a&b, H4.4-5b.
Common Core ELA: RI2.3, RI2.7, RI3.1-3, RI3.7, RI4.1, RI4.3, RI4.5, RI4.7, RI5.3, RI5.5, SL2.1-4, SL3.1-4, SL4.1-4, SL5.1-4.

outreach submission form