Auburn Heights 2045 Strategy
On January 16, 2024 the Friends of Auburn Heights (FAH) contracted with Creative Lab 3, a full-service Philadelphia-based architecture and design team, to help us conduct a strategic study of our facilities and land use to assess its utility and function for the next 20 years.
The materials presented here were selected from the extensive 2045 strategy study to help solicit comments, ideas, and concerns regarding the designs outlined. Please note that the ideas shared may look like final plans/designs, but they are not.
We are using the results of the study as a “strawman,” or starting point, for ongoing conversations to help focus and set boundaries around our planning process. Please also be aware that these designs are the product of the Friends of Auburn Heights and relate to FAH operations. All final plans will be approved by the Division of Parks & Recreation and, as with the 2020 museum renovation project, will be implemented with funds raised by FAH.
During 2025, we will host conversations with stakeholders using concepts from of the 2024 study to guide the discussion. The first open discussion will be held at the Marshall Steam Museum on March 19, 6:30 pm. You may download or view the design renderings and participate in a questionnaire in preparation for the March 19 meeting.
We look forward to envisioning the organization’s future with your support!
The Friends of Auburn Heights Board of Directors
Bob Koury, President
Jared Schoenly, Vice-President
Jim Faulstich, Treasurer
Kathy Beck, Secretary
Michael D. Brown
Charmayne Busker
Ashley Williams Clawson
Christophe Kobus
Ruth Marshall