Online Exhibits
We are excited to add Online Exhibits to the Marshall Steam Museum website. Thank you for your patience as we learn how to use this platform. We are always looking for ideas and feedback. Contact today to share your thoughts.
Discover Yorklyn: Mill Town, Hometown, Our Town (Click Title to View Exhibit)
Nestled along the state’s northern border, hugging the Red Clay Creek, is the small, unassuming (and unincorporated) community dubbed Yorklyn by the railroad about 1872. Home to Auburn Heights Preserve, the Marshall Steam Museum, the Center for the Creative Arts and several small businesses, the village has witnessed growth, decline and now a revitalization that is bringing back the creative spirit and communal character that has defined it throughout its 150-year history.
This exhibit is partially funded by a grant from the Delaware Humanities, a state program of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Go behind the scenes of Auburn Heights and the Marshall Steam Museum’s collection of antique automobiles with our founder, Tom Marshall! Recorded in 2008, these videos are coming out of the vault for you to enjoy.

This program is partially funded by a grant from the Delaware Humanities, a state program of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
The Marshall Timeline
Want to learn about the family that built Auburn Heights? Check out the Beta version of The Marshall Timeline. We are working on the finishing touches and final edits but wanted you to have a chance to explore. If you have questions, comments or concerns, please email Bob Wilhelm, timeline researcher, here.